Sunday, December 5, 2010

Question for class on Wednesday (12/8)

While there were major racial issues in the US during the 1960's.  Was or has there ever been racial issues in Germany.  Other than during World War II.


- the causes
According to the author of the Der Baader Meinhof Komplex, the leaders of the new Germany, The Third Reich, were the same people in charge during Nazism.  It was seen that anything that was going wrong in Germany was blamed on the Nazis or SS, like police brutality.  The participants in RAF were sick of this, they wanted a new Germany separate from the Nazi occupied one.

- the three generations of activists
Received financial aid from Stasi (the security and intelligence agency of East German).  They provided new identities and places to stay.  

- the end of the RAF
Last attack was in 1993, no one was killed but the explosions caused about 67 million dollars in damages!  In 1998 a German secret service received an 8 page faxes paper stating that after about 28 years the RAF was disbanding and ending the 'project.'  

- the similarities between current day's terro attacks and the RAF (similarities and differences)

Obviously with the aftermath of the world trade centers attack we can say that now terrorist attacks are on a larger level.  A similarity is that the RAF was attacking to give change Germany, now-a-days terrorists are attacking to make a change in the world.