Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Men and Women's Role in the 20th Century in the Military

  •  Served in the auxiliary units in the navy (Kriegshelferinnen), air force (Luftnachrichtenhelferinnen) and army (Nachrichtenhelferin)
  •  Hundreds of women auxiliaries served for the SS in the concentration camps
  •  Also under ‘order’ to produce more pure Aryan children for future wars

Mata Hari:

  •              Dutch exotic dancer and prostitute
  •       Accused of being a double agent for France and Germany during WWI
  •       Was offered cash from a German consul for information the next time she visited France.  Hari passed on old, outdated information to the German officer.  Arrested in France and executed the same year by firing squad.

Women not in war in Germany:
  • Germany’s men that weren’t in war were afraid to intervene when Russians were raping German women for the fear of being shot. 
  • The women of Berlin braved the artillery fire to forage for food and water in the streets. It was they who fed the family, cleaned what mess they could, looked after the sick, hid their young girls and took the brunt of Russian brutality. Some women in Berlin were now looking down on their men as the weaker sex and felt disappointed in them and even sorry for them.

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