Monday, September 20, 2010

My observations about the top 20 Radio stations in Germany

My very first observation about the top 20 Radio stations in Germany was that my German sucks.

The second observation was that the stations (that worked for me at the time) seemed to play English-Sung songs.  Which I thought wasn't strange, but I wasn't excepting it, some radio stations didn't even translate the titles of the songs.  For example Great Expectations and It's Raining Again were introduced such as that.  

Third observation I made was the wide variety of genres they have.  Six of the top 20 stations had Mix as the genre, showing that there is a demand for all types of music.  

Fourth observation was that one station has a genre Schlager, when 'googled' roughly translates to hit.  These types of songs are ballads light pop type songs.  

My over all observation, other than the learn German so I can understand the commercials, were that I like the German top 20 radio stations for their choice of songs.

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