Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Der Baader Meinhof Complex

This movie confused me.  I'm not sure if I missed it in the subtitles or if it was never made obvious to me, but I didn't understand what they were protesting.  The movie wasn't a total lost.  I got to see how translating isn't exact.  Once the character said, "Ja," the subtitles were, "right on," which from my German 101 Ja is yes.  Just an observation, did it in no way ruin the movie.  On the plus side I learned how to say shit in German, SCHEISSE, SCHEISSE, SCHEISSE!
I did think it was cool how they communicated secretly so the guards wouldn't know what they were planning on doing.  I thought it was interesting how the columnist at the beginning of the movie wasn't associated with the protestors.  The police even 'unarresting' her.  It was also interesting how they used her as a gateway to the prisoned protestors.  And being able to use her power to break them out of prison.  

1 comment:

  1. You paid attention to the homework assignment. Cool. But the film review ended up a tad short, don't you think?
