Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why the EU will continue to be a pivotal organization for Germany in the 21st century

  1. 1.    Having all these countries being part of the EU means they all was the Euro.  This is a good thing; it makes it easier spend money not having to worry about getting those countries currency.  It also makes for easier trading when one countries money isn't worth more then another.
    2.   Germany, along with other countries in the EU, lets non-citizens live in their country free of charge (taxes).  This is good because it increases their population; along with that they are getting money from these people stimulating their economy.
    3.   The EU unites Germany with other EU countries, giving them good connection for everything from trade to military. 
    4.   The EU is big on protecting the environment.  This is good for Germany along with others because it will keep the country clean for future generation after the 21st Century.
    5.   Now Germany is selling more than buying, they are flourishing.  I only see it getting better in the 21st Century.  Being part of the EU allows Germany (along with other member) to have their personal marketplace.  Meaning that they have connections with other members, which makes it easy for other countries to buy German goods.  With more and more countries wanting to become part of the EU, which will most likely happen in the 21st Century.  This will open more doors and trading and selling/buying options with them.
    6.   One plus for the countries in the EU are that people that live in a different EU country than they work pay taxes in the country they work.  This is good and bad, if you have someone paying taxes in Germany but live France than France isn't getting that extra money from taxes.
    7.   I'm not saying this would ever happen but if it were to happen we would see more swift movement to stop it.  If Germany were to ever have another incident like they did with Hitler the EU would be able to unite with member countries to stop it.
    8.   Since World War one and two Germany has been looked down upon.  Being part of the EU makes them look like they are trying to fix their past and make a better future in the 21st Century.
    9.   Being part of the EU, German citizens don't have to fear any unexpected economic wars or unexpected taxes on items.  This allows them to sell product at whatever price they think they can get for it.
    10. EU allows Germany to remain a global competitor with the rest of the world.
    11. If Germany happens to become a poorer country in the 21st Century the EU will be there to help them.  Mostly through other countries. 
    12. The EU has decide in 2007 that 20% of the Union's power needs to come from renewable energy resources in the future.  This, along with number 4, will help to ensure a good environment for the future generations. 
    Work Cited
    Class Lecture

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